Professional skills in Preschool

Preschool is a crucial place where children learn the professional skills needed to function in the workplace. Your kid’s preschool needs to focus on teaching her/him the important values needed to make them good successful professionals later in life.

1. Growth Mindset

Growth mindset refers to the mindset of believing that if you’re not good at something, you can work hard to learn it. (Fixed mindset refers to the mindset of believing that people are born with a set of talents and that is what makes them good or bad at something) Different people have different beliefs on which mindset is a more accurate representation of the real world. However, only growth mindset drives people to try to be better at things they are interested in. At Gyan Saarthi preschool, teachers make sure to drive home the message of growth mindset.

2. Independence

In our culture, we do all the work the kids need to do when they are young, and then lament when they grow up to be dependent on us for everything. From preschool age, kids need to learn to do their own chores. It can be as small as making sure that their clothes are put in the laundry pile, or cleaning the place after they eat. Learning to do their own work at such a young age makes them responsible and when they grow up, they are likelier to be self driven about their success.

3. Analytical, stepwise thinking

Kids learn a lot from problems even if they can’t solve them. It teaches them that even if they can’t solve a problem at first, they can chip away at it slightly and eventually reach the answer. So, when kids approach a teacher or a parent saying they can’t solve a problem, the right approach is to gently nudge them towards the solution and hope that the hint helps them do it on their own. This also gives them the feeling of accomplishment for having solved a ‘difficult’ problem on their own.

4. Leadership

Children need to act as good examples to their badly behaving counterparts. Rather than letting the well behaved children learn from badly behaving children, good behaviours need to be reinforced by praise. So, if a child is not listening to the teacher’s directions in a group, the right way to handle it would be to praise a child who is following the directions properly.

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